How to add share classes on Capboard?

A step by step guide on how to add, edit and delete share classes on Capboard.

Having multiple share classes is a common practice as your company matures and the number of different stakeholders grows. Here is how to create and add share classes on Capboard:

  1. Go to Ownership - Share Classes on the left-side menu of your company's account. There you will see the current share classes (typically, common stock).
  2. To create a new share class, click on the “Add Share Class” button at the top right corner.
  3. Add the name of the share class (such as Preferred Seed) and its corresponding details:
    • Its nominal share price;
    • Whether there are voting rights or dividend rights;
    • Liquidation preference (adding the seniority, multiple, and, if applicable, the multiple and interest rate);
    • Any anti-dilution provisions;
    • Tax value (tax share price);
    • Hurdle (hurdle share price);
    • Whether there is a need to issue share certificates;
    • Any additional notes.
  4. Once all the details are added, click on Save. The newly created share class should appear on the list of existing share classes.
  5. You can make changes to the share classes by clicking on the edit button next to the class you want to edit or update.
  6. To delete a share class, you will have to make sure this type of share is not issued to anyone in your company. Only then will it be possible to delete a share class using the “Delete” button next to it.

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