Investors looking to invest in Switzerland

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1M - 5M
OpenOcean is a pan-European early-stage Venture Capital investor with a focus on B2B platforms & Enterprise Software technology investments. Founded in 2011, they have invested in over 70 companies across Europe, providing early-stage capital and expertise to help them scale. Their team consists...
1M - 15M is a private equity and venture capital firm that specializes in investments in early-stage technology businesses. The firm\u2019s primary focus is on the healthcare, media and entertainment, and technology sectors. It seeks to invest in companies located around the world, with a...
1M - 5M
Breed Reply is a London-based investor that focuses on Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. They invest in companies across Europe, helping them to develop and implement innovative solutions in the Digital Services, Technology and Consulting fields. They are committed to creating positive soci...
500K - 5M
Breega is a European venture capital fund designed to finance startups in the digital economy. It was founded in 2013 and is based in Paris, France. They typically invest in Seed and Series A startups across Europe, and have an extensive network of partners, investors, and advisors. They focus o...
2M - 8M
DIP Capital is a venture capital firm that invests across Europe in disruptive businesses. DIP's first fund was launched in 2017 and the firm has since grown to manage over \u20ac300 million in assets. DIP focuses on early-stage companies, providing them with financing and guidance to help them ...
2M - 5M
C4V is an advanced battery technology company that is developing next-generation energy solutions. Their products are designed to be safe, reliable, and sustainable, and their patented technology offers higher energy densities, higher power densities, and longer life cycles than current batterie...
1M - 10M
Capagro is a venture capital fund based in Paris, France that is dedicated to investing in the Ag-Tech and Food-Tech industries. Founded in 2014, Capagro has raised over 120 million in capital and is backed by leading investors, including Bpifrance Investment, Cr\u00e9dit Agricole, and the Frenc...
6M - 11M
Keen Venture Partners is a radically human venture capital firm based in Amsterdam and London, founded in 2014. The firm invests in European technology companies at the Series A and B stage. Keen focuses on helping its portfolio companies with their growth and scaling, providing them with not on...
100K - 3M
CellCapTure is a powerful flow cytometry software solution developed by Stratedigm. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools to help users set up, acquire, and analyze data from flow cytometry experiments. It is designed to be highly intuitive and user-friendly, allowing users to quickly and e...
50K - 1M
Climate-KIC is a European-wide public-private partnership focused on mitigating climate change. The organization works to facilitate targeted research, business creation and investments to drastically reduce emissions and meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. Climate-KIC's activities range from...
100K - 700K
CoFounder Zone is a website that provides resources and information to help entrepreneurs find the right co-founder for their business. The site offers a range of services, including a searchable database of potential co-founders, advice and guidance on how to choose the best partner, and a dire...
500K - 5M
Concentric is a venture capital firm founded in 2013 with the goal of helping entrepreneurs succeed in their ventures. They have invested in over 50 companies across Europe, the United States, and Asia. They focus on early-stage investments in sectors such as FinTech, SaaS, and AI/ML, and have a...
500K - 3M
CNB Capital is an evergreen, deep-tech focused early-stage venture capital firm with a pan-European scope. The firm seeks to invest in technology-driven companies that have the potential to create a moat and provide defensibility. It provides integrated financial solutions and advice to help com...
250K - 10M
Convivialit Ventures is a venture capital firm based in San Francisco. It is the venture arm of Pernod Ricard, a French multinational alcoholic beverages company. Convivialit Ventures focuses on investing in early-stage startups in the food and beverage, hospitality, and technology sectors, with...
1M - 10M
Cusp Capital is a venture capital firm based in Essen, Germany that focuses on making early-stage investments in software and technology companies. The firm is managed by experienced professionals who have worked in the digital technology sector for many years. Cusp Capital seeks to invest in co...
3M - 10M
ECBF is a venture capital firm that focuses on investing in early stage companies in the digital economy. They provide venture capital and other forms of financing, as well as business advice and support to their portfolio companies. ECBF's mission is to provide financial and operational resourc...
1M - 8M
Element Ventures is a venture capital firm based in London, England. The firm specializes in investments in early-stage technology companies across the UK and Europe. Element Ventures was founded in 2015 and is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA Register number 924067). The firm h...
10K - 1M
Embryo Ventures is a venture capital firm based in London, England. The firm seeks to invest in consumer, materials, health, and technology companies at the seed stage. It provides seed capital and mentorship to help these companies grow and succeed. Embryo Ventures also provides a network of pr...
1M - 10M
Hi Inov is a venture capital firm based in Lyon, France, founded in 2012. They invest in early stage B2B digital startups. The team is an active player in local, European, and international networks, and they prioritize diversity, innovation, and dialogue between all stakeholders in the startup ...
500K - 3M
HubSpot Ventures is a venture capital arm of HubSpot, an American developer and marketer of software products for inbound marketing, sales, and customer service. HubSpot Ventures invests in early and growth-stage software companies with the potential to deliver unique value to HubSpot's customer...
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Fundraising in Switzerland:

  • Startup fundraising:
    • Switzerland is a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship, with a thriving startup ecosystem and a strong tradition of scientific and technological excellence.
    • In recent years, the country has seen significant growth in the number of startups and the volume of investment in the sector, with a focus on technology and life sciences industries.
    • According to a report by Startupticker, Swiss startups raised CHF 2.6 billion ($2.7 billion) in 2020, a 30% increase compared to 2019.
  • Popular industries:
    • Technology, including software, hardware, and fintech
    • Life sciences, including biotech, pharmaceuticals, and medical technology
    • Consumer goods and services
  • Most active investors:
    • Swisscom Ventures
    • Investiere
    • Redalpine Ventures
    • Earlybird
    • Massive Fund
  • 5 popular startups:
    • A leading autonomous driving technology company
    • Onedot: A logistics platform that optimizes shipping for businesses
    • MindMaze: A digital health company that develops technology for rehabilitation and neuroscience
    • Panono: A provider of spherical photography technology and solutions
    • AmonRa Surgical: A medical technology company that develops innovative surgical instruments
  • Government initiatives:
    • The Swiss government has supported the startup ecosystem through various initiatives, such as the launch of the “Innosuisse” program to support innovation and entrepreneurship in the country.
    • The government also offers tax incentives for investors and entrepreneurs, as well as funding and support for research and development through institutions such as the Swiss Innovation Agency (Innosuisse).
    • In addition, Switzerland has a favorable business environment with a highly skilled workforce and a strong tradition of innovation, making it an attractive location for foreign investors and startups.